Maddie gives you a tour of all the things she brings to school. There is a reason she needs to bring a backpack and another separate bag with her. Madeline uses backpacks as her own personal security blanket. She wants to bring them with her whenever she goes anywhere, school or even a car trip. The more stuff in them, the better, because it feels good to her body, kind of like a weighted vest. Many people on the spectrum have balance problems because they have a difficult time connecting with their own body.

I don’t like to get technical here, because I know my brain locks up when I read stuff that isn’t based in entertainment but this is kind of an interesting element that especially people on the spectrum face.  I will discuss proprioception in greater detail some other time here, but it’s definition is this.

Refers to one’s own perceptions. It an unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation controlled by nerves within the body.

While most of us don’t have to think about this, it’s instinctual, for many people on the spectrum they have to learn to and really focus to do these same movements we take for granted. While a heavy backpack would be a detriment for a lot of girls her age, the added weight it offers helps Maddie achieve better proprioception.

Ok, enough with the science. Let’s get on to Happy Monday Maddie.

(1st let me say that Maddie and I would appreciate if you pass this website along to any people who you think would enjoy it. Thanks.

  • Kerry Lee Haas

    Have a great year in 4th grade, Maddie!!!